For all of the non-believers out there... There was a special election on April 3rd for Oklahoma House District 71. On election night the Democrat won by 3 votes out of about 2850 votes cast. The Republican candidate asked for a recount and ended up winning by 1 vote. There was a problem. The total votes counted didn’t match the total votes cast as reported by the voting machines; the number was off by four votes.
After more investigation the election board discovered that two of alleged four missing ballots was actually a human error with the machines and the total was now off by two. No one could account for the missing ballots, so the election board certified the election. That should have been end of story, but by now you know it was not.
After the County Election Board had certified the election, the missing ballots were found in one of the voting machines. If the missing ballots were counted the Democratic candidate would have won by one vote. The issue is now before the Oklahoma Supreme Court. It just goes to show that every single vote does indeed count.