Friday, October 28, 2011

Robinson Supports Firefighters Pension

Local 341's endorsed candidate, Laurie Robinson (running for City Council At-Large-Five) was recently misquoted regarding her views on firefighter pensions in a local daily newspaper. To be clear, Laurie favors the current state controlled system because it is more stable and less susceptible to local politics. We thought it was important for you to hear her answer to our question during her screening with HPFFA Local 341. The question we asked was “Do you support local control of the pension or should it remain under state and firefighter control?” Click here for a video except of her screening interview.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Breaking News - It's All My Fault

I have a copy of a recent Letter to the Editor on my desk at the office and framed copy of the same letter in my home office. It is a litany of complaints about me and my leadership style. It is, for the most part, the illogical ramblings of a misanthrope. It summarizes some of the complaints I have heard that I am solely responsible for. To the best of my recollection these include: the nationwide increase in insurance premiums, the current collective bargaining agreement, the apathy of our membership, age discrimination, sex discrimination and the Great Recession. I’ve tried to explain all of this to my wife in a manner which advances the premise that a man with that much authority should get out of having to take out the trash, but so far she’s not buying it.